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Blood Bowl 3 is coming soon

Four brand-new teams are taking the Blood Bowl video game pitch in the famous franchise’s highly-anticipated third entry. Amongst the teams is a race that is not entirely unknown to fans: the Black Orcs! NACON and Cyanide Studio are giving you the opportunity to watch a gameplay video of this race so you can admire their crushing physical superiority. 

Tired of the amateur performance of the other Greenskins, the Black Orcs have decided to create their own teams. Forget about passing, dodging and speed: above all, the Black Orcs are shining examples of how to methodically and brutally grind opposing players into the dirt.

Lining up next to a Troll, whose extraordinary wild strength is only equalled by its striking stupidity, and Goblins that carry the ball and flood the pitch, the Orcs’ favorite tactic involves reaching the endzone by viciously crushing any opponents foolish enough to try to bar their way !

As violent as they are powerful, the Black Orcs are a formidable race in Blood Bowl 3. Additional videos will be released soon to highlight more teams, showing their strengths, weaknesses and the strategies they use in the game.

Planned for release in August 2021, Blood Bowl 3 will be available on PlayStation®4, PlayStation®5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, Steam, and Nintendo Switch™.

Author Details
Bonjour, je m’appelle Thieby Mendes, j’ai 19 ans. Je suis actuellement étudiante eu deuxième année de DUT Techniques de Commercialisation à l’IUT de Saint Denis, Université Sorbonne Paris Nord. Je vis en France, dans les Yvelines.Hello, my name is Thieby Mendes, I am 19 years old. I’m currently a second year student of DUT Commercialization Techniques at the IT of Saint Denis, University Sorbonne Paris Nord. I live in France, in the Yvelines.
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