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‘Gravityball’ On STEAM Offers Fast & Furious Arcade Sports On Hoverbikes In Space!

Gravityball challenges you to ride hoverbikes around floating platforms to capture the ball and launch it into the swirling vortex of your opponents’ goal. It is fast, it is frantic, it is an adrenaline kicking rush from the start and it is always in motion. Goals have their own gravity allowing for close shots to be bent or even end up in orbit of the goal. You can dive and drift to capture the ball and even shoot lasers at your opponents. With its spectacular planetary vistas, it is hard not to be distracted by the beautiful sight of Jupiter as you dive for the winning goal! The Instant Replay is a nice addition to the latest version!
Gravityball is rich on content and cool features. There are 3 unique arenas to play, each with its own shape and physics. You can opt to play a single-player game or partake in a local multiplayer-match with 2, 3 or even 4 players in One-on-One, Two-on-Two or Free-for-all play. Compete against your friends in a split-screen format, or against AI of varying skills. Create Round-robin, Knockout or Group-format tournaments that are fully customizable. Rack up stats and wins to earn achievements, rank-up your rider and unlock new features! The extensive Career Mode is your opportunity to excel and earn your Tour license in addition to cool trophies for bragging rights.
Gravityball is suitable to players of all ages and experience levels; it requires a game controller to play as keyboard and mice are not supported. A version of the game is currently in development for Xbox® One and PS4®, tentatively scheduled for release in the fall. 

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