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Utopos Rocketship Game

Indie game developer Utopos Games is proud to announce the PC and MacOS® release of Utopos Rocketship Game (URG) to STEAM™, a retro-style side-scrolling 3D arcade shooter offering a blast from the past. URG is a remake of the classic Atari® ST shooter released as Utopos more than 27 years ago by veteran developer Jani Penttinen.

URG has been 3 years in the making and is retro action at its best. Your task is to complete missions in an asteroid belt, collect items, coins, and solve puzzles while trying to stay alive. Nuke asteroids blocking your path and take-out incoming enemies. Featuring themed environments, each with multiple levels, you must fight your way to victory and unlock new worlds as you play. Play alone in a single-player challenge or gang up with your friends in a frantic co-op couch mode, spawning sidekicks that assist the main player, providing much needed firepower or life-support. 

URG is a polished game with a slick design and plenty of action. It is a stunningly beautiful 3D shooter with tons of big explosions and cool particle effects. It includes a built-in tutorial and even has a free demo version, that allows you to carry over your progress to the full version. Fans of fast-paced retro arcade shooters will instantly feel at home, and the reimagined gameplay on STEAM™ for PC and MacOS produced by the original developer is a testament to the passion and love for the craft of game design.

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