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Horror and Russia merging to create Wild Russia

Wild Russia is an open-world horror adventure game. Its action takes place in a striking provincial Russia, and any of your actions or inaction can lead to serious consequences. You play as a brave agent Red from Russia, who is entrusted with finding a way out in a vast world full of dangers, anomalies, dark gates and abandoned buildings.

It is important to know exactly the path that your hero should go – this helps to prevent a large number of rash decisions. But at the same time you should be guided by professional skills. Correctly posed questions and behavior will help you achieve your goal.

To find a way out, you need not to be afraid of traps and be able to accurately find the target. Remember that when you forget where and how to look for a way out, it is difficult to detect; the more difficult the situation, the more difficult it is to find a way out.

Release date: April 28, 2020

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