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NES who’s Baaack!

This is it, the Mini NES (Nintendo Entertainment System, do I have to mention?!) …. is back in June! And at a mini price too! 60$ and will come with 30 games. If my credit score was better I would have preordered it. But as I am broke I will borrow it from my cousin.

“#NESClassic Edition will return to stores on June 29!” Nintendo tweeted on Sunday night. “This system and the #SNESClassic Edition system are expected to be available through the end of the year.”

I hope they will keep this promise.

Released in 2016 as a limited edition, it was hard to buy it after the first round, those suck*rs bought them all, couldn’t find it anywhere, even Walmart was out of stock. I tried on eBay, but you know what the price was 3 times more, and my bank account is 3 times below a normal human being. Maybe I should stop video games….Nahhh, I’m good! Money come and Go 🙂

You will be able to play again your beloved most frustrating games ever (#Megaman #Gradius), try to finish them all, like our team will go through them all (My team is going to hate me for this)

“Balloon Fight”
“Bubble Bobble”
CastlevaniaDone, check the article! 
“Castlevania II: Simon’s Quest”
“Donkey Kong”
“Donkey Kong Jr.”
“Double Dragon II: The Revenge”
“Dr. Mario”
“Final Fantasy”
“Ghosts ‘n Goblins”
“Ice Climber”
“Kid Icarus”
“Kirby’s Adventure”
“Mario Bros.”
“Mega Man 2”
“Ninja Gaiden”
“Punch-Out!! Featuring Mr. Dream”
“Super C”
“Super Mario Bros.”
“Super Mario Bros. 2”
“Super Mario Bros. 3”
“Tecmo Bowl”
“The Legend of Zelda”
“Zelda II: The Adventure of Link”

On June 29 be ready because Nintendo says it will once again be a limited run (what’s wrong with you guys!) The console is expected to remain available “through the end of the year,” alongside the Super NES Classic Edition.

On a serious note: If you have recorded the endings of those games, We have a special segment for users and the community to share their videos with us and the will be on our Youtube Channel.

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We need money, lots of money to make this portal a joy for young and OG (Old Gamers) like us!

Author Details
I am passionate about “Heroic Fantasy” and “Beat Them all” games on Nintendo Game System (I hate SEGA). Now that I am old, I love retro gaming, since I don’t have much time. Feels good to watch endings though…
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