Sky: Children of the Light – the Review
Sky: Children of the Light
3.6 / 5 OG Score
{{ reviewsOverall }} / 5 Users (0 votes)
The most wonderful thing about this game has to be its amazing visual and sound effect, which give off a real feeling and excite you. The continuation of the storyline draws you in and makes you feel like you are the main character inside a comic book or a manga. One other bonus point is that when playing, this game runs so smooth and I have not been disturbed with any (even the slightest) disruption or lagging of any kind (trust me i tried to play in some places with poor internet connection in order to check).
One minus point is that it takes some time for the game to download its data. Although the storyline about gods, children of the light and their adventure sounds interesting, sometimes the storyline may seem to develop a bit too slow. And during that time when the instructions and background story show, you might feel like you are watching an anime instead of playing a mobile game.
What We Think
In conclusion, "Sky: Children of the Light" is an amazing mobile game with gorgeous graphic and visual that can surely satisfy you. If you a fan of anime, manga, or soft games with good storylines, it's definitely worthy having this in the game list of your phone. If you are more into combat and active games, it might not be of your liking. However, with such stunning visual effect like this, why not give it a try?
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