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Tools Up! Is Back and Throwing a Garden Party of DLC

Snow blows, so All in! Games is saying goodbye winter, hello spring with the Tools Up! Garden Party DLC. Tools Up!, the game that makes renovations fun, returns with exciting outdoor levels and a wicked racoon trying to ruin the party! Playable solo or in local up-to-four-player co-op,  the new Garden Party DLC is now available for Windows PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One and Nintendo Switch.

Divided into three separate seasonal episodes, each with brand new levels, tools and mechanics, as well as a challenging opponent each season, the Tools Up! Garden Party DLC  episodes are available separately or as a Season Pass. 

Garden Party DLC episodes retail at $5.99 USD each or as a Season Pass retailing at $14.99 so you can save your money for spring flings! Episode 1: The Tree House is now available while episodes 2 and 3 will be available soon! Check out the Release Roadmap for more details and get ready to throw your own Garden Party!

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