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Totally Delivered on Steam!

The ragdoll physics simulation about terrible package delivery couriers, Totally Reliable Delivery Service, is coming to Steam with its full release for the first time on April 1st, 2021

With the name “Totally Delivered”, this release will continue the fun of a chaotic yet controllable and interactive world full of exciting missions while keeping both old and new players refreshed with more content, new visuals and gameplay mechanics.

Playing as a delivery driver who may not be so good at his/her job, players will send some goofy laughs along with the fragile boxes while they are on duty. They need to work out the drivers’ noodly limbs and torsos and fire up the vehicles to strive for top performances. Taking a detour around multiple dynamic scenes just for a fun distraction is a common choice. While running solo or joining friends both could work to secure the best customer reviews, competitions always exist and can get serious now!

New Features in Totally Delivered: 

  • Globally improved graphics
  • New competitive arena mode
  • New NPC’s and zone unlock system
  • Upgraded animations on the characters
  • Revamped UI
  • And more!

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