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World of Tanks Launches Season 5 : FLASHPOINT!

FLASHPOINT will bring new Polish and Premium tanks and extensive rewards for free-to-play tankers and Season Pass holders alike!

Following the 7th birthday of World of Tanks Console, the team is excited to announce the launch of Season 5: Flashpoint. With the ability to unlock incredible new Polish hardware, Consumables, Camos, Premium Days and much more – all tankers are invited to fight it out in Flashpoint between March 9 and April 26!

Whether playing with or without the Season Pass, all players will have the opportunity to harness the titanic tonnage that is the 50TP Prototype – bringing a true Polish powerhouse to the field of battle again. The famed heavy tank can be unlocked alongside rewards like a bespoke Commander, Key Cards, Gold, Silver, Consumables, Boost Ops and exclusive Flashpoint emblems! With 100 Flashpoint tiers to unlock, there’s a huge amount to unlock this season!

Alongside all the bonuses above, Season Pass holders will be in with a chance of unlocking extra rewards at every level, including the Creighton Abrams Hero Commander, the Type 59-11, the T-100 and even a T77 Tank and Hero Skin! And that’s not all, if they complete all tiers – tankers will win enough Gold to purchase the next Season Pass with their winnings!

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