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Retail Royale Takes the Crown at the 9th Fan Favorite Vote of the Game Development World Championship

Retail Royale by DarxDev from Cyprus has won the ninth Fan Favorite Weekly Vote at the Game Development World Championship 2021. The game is “a 12 player Battle Royale inside an off-brand IKEA store, where everything is a weapon; ranging from guns – to literal couches.” according to the developers. Retail Royale is available on Steam Early Access.

DarxDev moves forward in Fan Favorite category, and will face other Weekly Vote winners in the final vote at the end of the GDWC 2021 season.

2nd place was taken by Chrome Switcher by Chrome Switcher from USA: “A puzzle-parkour, color-switching game. Utilize your acrobatic abilities and your color-switching powers to wall jump, slide, and zipline across each level.”

3rd place went to EchoBlade by Sunset Arctic Games from USA: “A puzzle-combat dungeon explorer. You find yourself blind and trapped inside an expansive tower labyrinth. Shrouded in total darkness you must navigate your way to freedom using only sound as your guide.”

The GDWC team sends congratulations to the winning team and big thanks to all Nominees and voters. Weekly Votes run each every week from Monday to Monday with new exciting indie games to check out and vote for. This week’s vote is already live at

This week’s nominees are in alphabetical order: 
– Ascii the Brave Cat by Workyrie (Thailand)
– Dodge & Pursuit by Joao Marcos (Brazil)
– Höll Space 5D6 by 5D6 Games (Germany)
– Hieroglyph: Prologue by Manti-Core-Dev (Russia)
– HOW WE KNOW WE’RE ALIVE by Motvind Studios (Sweden)
– Kick it, Bunny! by DillyFrame (Russia)
– Road Works Runner by Why Am Locked (Russia)
– The Light of The Darkness by QUARTOMUNDO (Brazil)
– The Transylvania Adventure of Simon Quest by Programancer (USA)

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