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South Park: The Fractured But Whole – Ending

Hey everyone!

I’m happy to release the ending of South Park: The fractured but whole, after spending a lot of very fun time playing it. It had to end at some point. And also, I don’t finish games, usually :p

What I loved about this game is that it really is funny, the jokes, the stories, the characters, if you love the tv show, you won’t be disappointed by the game, because it is just like one huge episode that you get to play in.

The game takes place after the Stick of Truth game, and has you “the new kid” as a protagonist. You get to play with the South Park kids in their role playing games and try to find your place, and prove your worth. The game is full of easter eggs, references, jokes, the whole thing.

If you liked the video, find the game and buy it, it might still be on sale, or at least cheap (That’s how i buy my games, most of the time). But it is a great game, if everything I said didn’t convince you of the contrary.

Hasta la vista!

Author Details
I am passionate about “Heroic Fantasy” and “Beat Them all” games on Nintendo Game System (I hate SEGA). Now that I am old, I love retro gaming, since I don’t have much time. Feels good to watch endings though…
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