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Twin-stick shooter XenoRaptor brings intergalactic cyberdragon bullet-hell to Nintendo Switch, PS4, and Xbox One

Indie publisher Digerati and developer Peter Cleary are thrilled to announce that the madcap twin-stick action of XenoRaptor will be rocket-blasting its way to consoles later this month. A fast-paced sci-fi shooter, XenoRaptor pits a customizable cyberdragon equipped with a tactical arsenal against relentless waves of futuristic foes, in battles that stretch from Mars to unknown frontiers of space.

XenoRaptor will be available to download 17/18 December on PS4 (NA/EU respectively), followed by Xbox One on 24 December, and Nintendo Switch on 25 December. 

XenoRaptor combines tactical loadouts, clever foes, and pulse-pounding arcade mayhem to create a fast-paced, challenging shooter.

“XenoRaptor is a passion project aimed at blending the arsenal and enemy variety of classic FPSs with the situational awareness and intense dodging of a top down game,” says XenoRaptor creator, Peter Cleary. “Games such as Geometry Wars were a big inspiration, so I’m really excited that XenoRaptor is coming to consoles.” 

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I am passionate about “Heroic Fantasy” and “Beat Them all” games on Nintendo Game System (I hate SEGA). Now that I am old, I love retro gaming, since I don’t have much time. Feels good to watch endings though…
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