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JUST CAUSE 4 is the biggest, most varied and most beautiful game in the series. The brand new Deep Dive Trailer released today gives players an overview of everything they can expect from the most ambitious Just Cause game to date.

In JUST CAUSE 4, there are more biomes, vehicles and weapons than ever before, all set over the largest land mass ever seen in a Just Cause game. Expect better vehicle handling, deeper, more sophisticated enemy AI and an overhauled grappling hook, just to name a few of our brand new features in JUST CAUSE 4. The unique and incredible real time extreme weather events like tornadoes, sand storms and lightning storms are a game-changer for JUST CAUSE 4 and it is all powered by Avalanche Studio’s ground-breaking sandbox technology, the Apex Engine.

Set in the fictional South American world of Solis, JUST CAUSE 4 takes the series’ incredible destruction and unique physics to a whole new level with the introduction of fully simulated tornadoes and other extreme weather events. Rico Rodriguez returns in JUST CAUSE 4 with his trademark parachute, wingsuit and, of course his grapple hook, now enhanced with new functionality and fully customizable making it the most powerful and creative tool the player has ever had.

JUST CAUSE 4 is a landmark entry in the series, and will release on December 4, 2018 on Xbox One, PC and the PlayStation®4 computer entertainment system.

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I am passionate about “Heroic Fantasy” and “Beat Them all” games on Nintendo Game System (I hate SEGA). Now that I am old, I love retro gaming, since I don’t have much time. Feels good to watch endings though…
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