sodapoppin Twitch Channel
Team: NRG Esports
Joana Twitch Channel
My main project right now is preparing for Classic WoW. I am spending most of my time behind the scenes preparing for it by working on leveling guides every day on my website JoanasWorld.com. I will play my 2006 speedrun 24/7 until about an hour before Classic WoW launches. Once Classic launches, it is time for […]
EsfandTV Twitch Channel
Team: Method
Asmongold Twitch Channel
I have been playing World of Warcraft since 2006 and have been playing the Warcraft series since 1997. I’m more of a PvE player but I also PvP on a regular basis. I am the recruitment officer for Indestructible of Kel’Thuzad and play a fury warrior for the guild. Outside of WoW, I also play […]
GingiTV Twitch Channel
Team: Method
Swifty Twitch Channel
Gaming world of warcraft and Classicwow