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Neil deGrasse Tyson to Voice the Universe in VR Mediation App ‘Maloka’

Developers Galaxy Labs, Koffeecup, and HOO KOO E KOO are thrilled to reveal that users in upcoming VR meditation app Maloka will be guided through their mindfulness journey by the voice of renowned scientist Neil deGrasse Tyson.

Science is at the heart of Maloka, where practice doesn’t just feel serene, it’s actually activating Beta and Theta brainwaves that aid in relaxation. As the voice of the Universe, Tyson will help practicers settle into their own private virtual island in Maloka that will grow alongside them with continued practice.

Maloka will be available on Meta Quest starting on December 14, with a free companion app available on iOS and Android. For more information on Maloka visit the official site here. To keep up with Neil deGrasse Tyson, follow him on Twitter.

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I am passionate about “Heroic Fantasy” and “Beat Them all” games on Nintendo Game System (I hate SEGA). Now that I am old, I love retro gaming, since I don’t have much time. Feels good to watch endings though…
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