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Check out them Aliens today as ‘Close Encounters’ launches for Two Point Hospital!

Two Point Hospital celebrates its first anniversary this week, looking back at a fantastic year filled with humour, lots (152!) of unusual illnesses and cured and deceased (oops) patients, we decided to bring lots of new stuff to Two Point Hospital! Today, fans can purchase Close Encounters, an all-new expansion where extra-terrestrial species join Two Point County and suspicious events occur. Close Encounters is available now for £6.99 with an early adopter discount of 10% until 5 September.

As an all-round medical supremo, you’ll come across new unusual space illnesses, like Flat-Packed, Frogborne and Science Friction – don’t be too hard on yourself if it turns out that curing all your patients is tough. Close Encounters is the third expansion for Two Point Hospital and ever since the game launched 2.1 billion patients have been cured, with Pandemic being its most ‘popular’ cured illness. Over 9 million patients died after being diagnosed with Lightheadedness, and if you think that’s a lot – 121 million patients died in Two Point Hospital so far, such a pity…

New to Two Point? Not convinced yet by all the above? Really? Don’t fret, newbies can now try out Two Point Hospital for free during the Two Point Hospital Steam Free Weekend between 29 August and 2 September. During this period, you can also pick up Two Point Hospital and the ‘Bigfoot’ and ‘Pebberley Island’ DLCs, for 50% off! And if decorating is more your jam, check out the ‘Retro Items Pack’ available now for £2.99, including 27 new retro-themed in-game items.

For more information about the ‘Steam Free Weekend’, the ‘Retro Items Pack’ and all other things Two Point Hospital visit where you can also sign up for the newsletter. You can also follow the game on YouTubeFacebook and Twitter. For more information about SEGA Europe, log on to, follow them on Facebook or on Twitter.

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